Learn About Chiropractic


What Makes Us Different

Our offices in Gulfport and Biloxi are structurally based, corrective  and personal injury care clinics. What does that actually mean? It means that we are basically the “orthodontist” of chiropractors. We utilize specific x-ray analysis to determine the spinal...

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Sciatic Pain Relief at Murphy Chiropractic Gulfport

Sciatic pain can be debilitating and impairing to those that suffer from it; Walking, standing, sitting and even lying down to sleep can be extremely difficult and painful. While the pain usually is in the legs and buttock, as well as radiating down into the ankle or...

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Most guys are doing these two things INCORRECTLY!

If you are a guy and you are reading this right now, odds are you are carrying a wallet. If you are a woman you are most likely married to a guy carrying a wallet and it probably looks like the one above.Most guys have been carrying their wallet around like this since...

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Whiplash Injuries – Gulfport Chiropractor

In our chiropractic practice in Gulfport and Biloxi, MS, we treat a lot of whiplash and car accident patients. Most of which do not always fully understand the severity of their injuries even in low impact collisions. Studies have found that follow up X-rays taken on...

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Your Brain on Pain

I have something extremely interesting to share with you that will blow you away!  I couldn’t believe it when I read it this week. I was reading a book called THE BRAIN’S WAY OF HEALING by Norman Doidge, M.D. last week where he was talking about a study done by a...

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America’s problem is when we all keep digging! 

I saw this quote the other day and I instantly knew it was worthy of sharing with our patients. Now let me explain…. It’s never a  shame to find yourself in a rut at any given time or place  It happens to us all and definitely many people in America especially are in...

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THE 90/10 PRINCIPLE #MurphyChiro #FunctionNotPain

There are over 420 million nerve tracks throughout every square inch of our bodies! That is over 45 miles of nerves in us! Actually, if you were to eliminate your fat, skin, bone, organs Hair etc, and the only thing left of you was your nervous system WE would still...

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