Whiplash Injuries and Acceleration of Disc Degenerative Disease In our Biloxi and Gulfport offices
we treat many patients that have been involved in car accidents with whiplash injuries whether it be in neck or low back Something i explain to our patients is the significance of treating and adjusting the spine following injuries due to the fact that whiplash has been proven to accelerate degeneration in the spine.
A study done by the The Cervical Spine Research Society showed that follow up X-Rays taken of patients on an average of 7 years following a whiplash injury with no prior evidence of disc disease indicated that 39% had developed degenerative disc disease at one or more levels since the whiplash injury.
Therefore it appears the injury started the process of disc degeneration over time.
In another follow up study patients were taken that had evidence of pre existing disc degeneration and had follow up X-rays taken 7 years after their whiplash injury. These X-Rays showed there was new degenerative changes in 55% of the patients.
This is why it is important to receive chiropractic care after whiplash injuries. As your body is healing from a soft tissue injury it replaces the old injured tissue with new tissue that surrounds the joints that is less elastic. Allowing us to treat you after a car accident helps your joints and new tissue heal with more quality range of motion.
Whiplash Injuries and Acceleration of Disc Degenerative Disease.
In our Biloxi and Gulfport offices we treat many patients that have been involved in car accidents with whiplash injuries whether it be in neck or low back.
Something i explain to our patients is the significance of treating and adjusting the spine following injuries due to the fact that whiplash has been proven to accelerate degeneration in the spine.
A study done by the The Cervical Spine Research Society showed that follow up X-Rays taken of patients on an average of 7 years following a whiplash injury with no prior evidence of disc disease indicated that 39% had developed degenerative disc disease at one or more levels since the whiplash injury.
Therefore it appears the injury started the process of disc degeneration over time. In another follow up study patients were taken that had evidence of pr
e injury started the process of disc degeneration over time. In another follow up study patients were taken that had evidence of pre existing disc degeneration and had follow up X-rays taken 7 years after their whiplash injury. These X-Rays showed there was new degenerative changes in 55% of the patients.
This is why it is important to receive chiropractic care after whiplash injuries. As your body is healing from a soft tissue injury it replaces the old injured tissue with new tissue that surrounds the joints that is less elastic. Allowing us to treat you after a car accident helps your joints and new tissue heal with more quality range of motion.
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